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Waterstart kitesurfing: How to get out of the waterWaterstart kitesurfing: How to get out of the water

accueil kitesurfing Waterstart kitesurfing: How to get out of the water

See demonstration by clicking on this video :

The waterstart is the action of developing enough pulling power from the kite to get you out of the water and slide with your board. The waterstart uses your skills in piloting since it involves creating traction on the wing according to your weight, the size of your wing and the strength of the wind. Gradually, you will have to learn to ride “in feeling” in order to concentrate more on your support on the board and especially to look in the direction of your movement on the water.

Le placement et le timing de l’aile.
Step 1: Before each waterstart attempt, take the time to be well positioned with your back to the wind and your wing at the zenith. This step conditions you to work on your maneuver by starting with the same preparation for each attempt.

Step 2: Pull on your front hand (left hand for a port tack) to direct the kite into the half-window towards the power zone. Simultaneously with this action, slightly straighten your front leg. The rear leg must remain bent.

Step 3: The cue to slightly extend your leg when you send the kite is intended to force you to stand up and push on the back leg. Your body must accompany the lever arm created by the traction of the kite. In addition, this forces your board to take the right direction and thus obtain a good flow of water under it. Be careful not to hold on to the bar or you will modify the traction of the kite and therefore disturb your balance. Your body is out of the water, keep your weight on the back foot with the back leg bent to create the edge grip of the board. Direct your gaze towards your direction of movement and gradually tuck your buttocks above your supports.

Step 4: You are sliding and your speed is sufficient, gradually pull on your back hand to stabilize your wing at 45°. Focus on your position with your upper body which should be more in opposition to the pull compared to your buttocks. Your front foot should almost align with your pelvis and your front shoulder.

Classic mistakes:

1) Forward ejection: The action on your bar is disproportionate to the size of your kite and the strength of the wind. The lever arm then becomes too great and your body arrives too quickly above your supports. Your board has not been able to start sliding and it is impossible to correct this error which leads you directly into a frontal fall. This is why it is imperative to have a space free of all dangers under your wind (buoy, submerged rocks, other riders, etc.) and sufficient water depth (at least at the height of your pelvis).

2) “I can’t get out of the water!”: If the action on your bar is too timid, your kite will evolve at the top of the window and will reach the edge of the window without developing enough traction to get you out of the water properly. Additionally, if you are in a waiting mode and lack muscle tone, it will be difficult to accompany the lever arm by pushing on your back leg and your waterstart will be doomed to failure.

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